Friday, March 8, 2013

The Importance of a Green Spring Clean!

Spring is upon us!  While the birds fly north, and the flowers bloom we get ready to transition into a new season. This transition calls for some changes. It is time to get out of our cosy winter dens, and leave hibernation behind! One of the traditions of stepping into Spring is a good Spring Cleaning. Although it is not always fun and enjoyable it is something that helps us to acclimate to the new season! It is time to pull out our cleaning supplies and get to it!

The bummer is that most conventional cleaning supplies contain harsh and dangerous chemicals that are actually harmful to us, and the air we breath! These harsh chemicals can contribute to unknown symptoms, rashes, allergies and other not-so-pleasant things. We don't want to get these ailments from spring cleaning! Ouch!

This is where I come in: Let me help you spring clean with safe, non-hazardous, natural cleaning solutions. The natural solutions along with a little elbow grease will leave your home or business sparkling clean without the bummer effects of chemical cleaners. I offer many services with flexible hours to get your space clean on a schedule that is right for you!

I look forward to working with you to make your habitat clean and safe for the upcoming year!

Contact me at or 555-444-3333 so we can work something out!